What do I do about vibration during construction? |
Use of heavy equipment during construction can cause vibration. Please ensure that you have protected any valuables susceptible to damage. |
Should I expect an interruption in my water service? |
Residents and business owners will receive a minimum of 24 hours advance notice of scheduled construction work and the duration of any planned interruptions. |
Will my garbage and recycling be picked up? |
The Township of Southwold and collection contractors will make every effort to maintain garbage and blue box collection operations during the construction. The contractor will assist in collecting and transporting garbage and recycling if you are blocked by construction. A depot point will be used to place garbage and recycling for the contractors to collect. It is recommended that you clearly label your containers with your name and address. |
Will I have access to my driveway? |
Access to your driveway will remain open, however there will be minor interruptions during construction for underground service installations and concrete curing. Driveway access will be maintained to the extent possible. When curbs and sidewalks are being installed, the homeowner/resident will not have access to their driveway for a period of up to one (1) week. Residents and business owners will receive a minimum of 24 hours notice of scheduled curb and sidewalk installation. When driveway access is obstructed, the property owner can park on any surrounding Township side street that permits street parking.
Paving operations will result in temporary driveway access restriction. If you require use of your vehicle when asphalt is being laid, remove it from your driveway by 7:00 am. The typical length of driveway restriction is one working day per placement. Residents and business owners will receive a minimum of 24 hours advance notice of scheduled paving.
Will my driveway/walkway be replaced with the same material that was there before? |
Your driveway and walkways will be replaced with the same material that was there before.
What will happen with the boulevards after construction?
Topsoil and sod will be used to restore boulevards and other grassed areas affected by the construction operation. To ensure sodded areas have established a strong and healthy root system, the Township's contract requires the contractor to water and maintain the newly placed sod for 60 days following placement. During this 60 day maintenance period, the Township is asking property owners to participate in the watering process to encourage growth. At the end of the 60 day period, all turf maintenance and watering of sod reverts back to the individual property owner as it was prior to construction. Residents and business owners will be delivered a notice outlining when the sod was placed, how long the contractor will water it for, and some additional information to give your lawn the best chance to thrive.
What should I do if my landline/internet cuts out from construction?
If your phone or internet service cuts out at any point during construction, notify the Township of Southwold at 519-769-2010, and the contractor will contact the service provider to come out and make a repair. It is also recommended to contact your service provider yourself, in addition to the contractor. |
Why is there a boulevard between the curb and the sidewalk? |
A boulevard is the grass between the back of the concrete curb and the sidewalk. The main purpose of these is to improve the safety of pedestrians using the sidewalk. The extra distance between the road and the sidewalk keeps pedestrians safe by keeping them further away from hazards, and also acts as an area for snow storage during the winter months. |
What are the expected construction working hours? |
Typical hours and days of construction will be Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. However, some underground utility work and primary intersection work may occur after hours and at night. Weekend work may be required pending weather restraints and to maintain schedule. |
What happens if there is a deficiency once construction is complete? |
All Township road reconstruction projects contain a one-year warranty from the time of substantial completion. After construction concludes on a project, a walkthrough of the site will take place by the Director of Infrastructure and Development. Any deficiencies will be recorded and submitted to the contractor for repair. A second walkthrough will take place the following year, just before the one-year warranty is up. Again, any deficient work will be recorded for the contractor to correct. Any deficiencies identified by the homeowner or business owner after the one-year warranty period has lapsed will not be at the contractor's responsibility to rectify. If the homeowner identifies a deficiency within the one year of construction, please contact the Township of Southwold. |
Why do I have overland wires from Bell and Rogers on my lawn? |
During construction, Bell and Rogers service wires are not located, so there may be instances when the cables are cut by construction equipment. When the service technician repairs the wire, it will be left on top of the grass so that it does not get severed during the remainder of construction. Once heavy machine work is complete, the service technician will come back out and re-bury the wires. If the service wires have not been reburied within 4 weeks of completion of construction, please contact the Township of Southwold office at 519-769-2010. |
What will happen to my mail service during and after construction? |
During construction, the Canada Post mailboxes on your street may need to be temporarily moved out of the construction zone. For the duration of the project, residents will be able to pickup their mail from these new temporary locations, until the mailboxes are reinstalled in their permanent location after construction concludes. Residents will receive notification from Canada Post of when mailboxes will be moved, where they will be temporarily relocated to, and when they are going to be moved back. |
Who do I contact with project related inquiries? |
Before construction begins on your street, all residents and business owners will be delivered a construction advisory notice containing project details, safety information, and contact information. Any project related questions or concerns can be directed to the Director of Infrastructure and Development by email. |
What is a capital project? |
A Capital Project refers to a Township of Southwold project that installs new, replaces or repairs Township owned infrastructure, such as water, sewer systems or roads. These components of interrelated systems provide services essential to enable, sustain and enhance societal conditions. |