There are several payment options for you to pay your property taxes, water utility bills, or other invoices that you have from the Township of Southwold.
The Township of Southwold offers electronic billing for property taxes and water utility billing. You can sign up to receive bills in your email by completing the electronic billing form and submitting it to the Township office.
Complete the pre-authorized payment (PAP) plan form and submit to the Township office to enroll in the PAP program. This can be set up for taxes and/or water bills.
You may be able to pay your taxes, water utility bills, or other invoices through internet banking.
You may be able to pay your accounts by phone through telephone banking. Contact your bank for details.
You can pay your taxes, water utilities or other invoices over the phone by credit card. There is a 2% surcharge for all credit card payments. To pay a bill over the phone with the Township office please call 519-769-2010.
You can pay your taxes, water utilities or other invoices on the Township Website by credit card. There is a 2% surcharge for all credit card payments.
You can pay by dropping a cheque off into the mail slot on the exterior of the building. It is located near the front door of the Township office.
You can pay in person by debit, credit card, cash or by cheque.
You can pay in person at most major banks. Contact your bank for details.
You can also sign up to receive your tax and/or water utility bills by email, by filling out the email billing form.
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